Diocesan Annual Campaign
- Diocesan Annual Campaign provides resources, expertise, guidance and support for more than 90 ministries and programs throughout the 15 counties of the Diocese of Harrisburg.
Ecumenical Outreach
- Saint Vincent Parish is one of thirty-two member churches forming the Hanover Area Council of Churches (HACC) and participates in their Provide-A-Lunch (PAL) program.
Provide-A-Lunch (PAL)
- PAL serves a hot and cold, nutritious lunch seven days a week, 365 days-a-year. Meals are prepared by churches, organizations and individual volunteer teams in the Hanover area. Our parishioners form a PAL Team which serves the free Noonday meal on the second Sunday of each month. To help with the PAL meal, please contact the Parish Office.
Food Pantry
- Our Food Pantry is located outside the main entrance to the Monsignor Gotwalt Auditorium and is stocked with food items to assist those in need. Contact is Joyce Smith 717.637.0366.
Health Equipment Loan Locker
- Provides medical equipment (on a loan basis) and supplies free of charge. Please contact Mary Fostik at 410.274.6104.
Respect Life Committee
- Our respect life committee works to teach respect for all human life, in all its stages and phases, from conception to natural death.
- Please contact the Pastor at 717.637.4625.