Each week, hundreds of people come to worship at St. Vincent. When the faithful of our community gather, we become a visible sign of the Body of Christ. Many people serve as liturgical ministers to help facilitate the assembly during the liturgies.
Their ministry touches all who come to worship at our parish and assists the faith community in its public communal prayer.

Altar Servers (Youth):
- Altar Servers assist the presider at the altar and throughout the Mass.
- This ministry is open to boys and girls who have a love for the Lord and desire to serve God at the Altar of Sacrifice.
- As a norm, boys and girls who are in the second semester of the second grade may request training.
- Altar Servers are trained at the regular intervals throughout the year.
- Please contact the Pastor at 717.637.4625.

Ushers (Youth): (8th grade and High School):
- Provide a sense of hospitality and welcome to all worshipers.
- They welcome and providing directions to parishioners and visitors, take up and secure the tithed offertory collection(s), and hand out worship aides and bulletins.
- Parents are invited to contact Tim Kaehler 717.479.3030 for details.

Organist / Pianist:
- The Organist/Pianist provides organ music and accompaniment for scheduled worship services and other activities in support of the music ministry of the church, lifting the congregation in music for the praise of God.

- Woodwinds, brass, string, and percussion instrumentalists with experience performing solo or in an ensemble are invited to accompany the organist, pianist, or choir for the celebration of the liturgy.
- An audition is required. Please contact Deb Herr at (717) 259-4932.

- The Parish Choir sings primarily at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass, seasonal celebrations, and Holy Days throughout the year.
- The Parish Choir performs sacred music from all periods of the Church’s musical heritage.
- Membership is open to high school and adult parishioners.
- New members are welcome and encouraged to join throughout the year. Rehearsals are held on Thursdays at 6:30–8:30 p.m. in the Choir Loft and on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the Rectory.
- There is no audition. Please contact Anje Lybarger at 717.637.7505.

- The cantor’s function is to lead and encourage the assembly in singing.
- They serve as leaders of the musical prayers at funerals, weddings and other sacramental rituals.
- Cantors should sing regularly in our parish choir and also pass a brief audition.
- Please contact Deb Herr at 717.259.4932.

- Lectors proclaim the Word of God and read the announcements and the general intercessions at Mass.
- These ministers must be able to speak clearly and effectively. Training is offered throughout the year and is announced when available.
- Please contact the Pastor at 717.637.4625.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
- Extraordinary Ministers assist the presider and deacon with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ.
- Extraordinary Ministers must be at least 16 years old, be fully initiated into the Roman Catholic Church, and complete a training that includes the theological background of this ministry as well as the practical aspects of assisting in sharing of communion.
- Training by a Deacon of the Diocese is offered throughout the year and is announced when scheduled.
- Please contact the Pastor at 717.637.4625.

Altar Servers (Adults):
- Adult Altar Servers assist the presider at the altar and throughout the Mass for the first Mass on Sundays and Funeral Masses.
- This ministry is open to all men and women eighteen years of age and older.
- Please contact the Pastor at 717.637.4625.

Ushers (Adults):
- Provide a sense of hospitality and welcome to all worshipers.
- They welcome and providing directions to parishioners and visitors, take up and secure the tithed offertory collection(s), respond to questions and emergencies that arise, and hand out worship aides and bulletins.
- Ushers are always needed and are trained throughout the year.
- Please contact Sam Crouch through the Parish Office at 717.637.4625.